Friday, February 24, 2012

Decision Making

1. Use the 6 C's or Dr. Nielsen's process to discuss a decision you have made in your role. (Go step by step)
     One of the decisions I have made in my role, was my initial decision to accept the opportunity to be a program director for Service Squad. This was a somewhat significant decision that I had to make because being a program director would take some time out of my week and so I wanted to make sure that I wasn't accepting something that I couldn't personally handle. Looking back on my decision making process, I recognize that I used Dr. Nielsen's, or the Lord's, approach to decision making.
          a. identify the problem: the problem I identified was the decision I had to make whether or not I had time to be the program director. My desire to accept the opportunity wasn't in question. I really wanted to get involved. I just had to determine if I had enough time during the week to commit to this role.
          b. pray for guidance: When I found out about the opportunity, I prayed to be guided in making this decision. My involvement as a program director and in other areas within BYUSA is really important to me and it is something I am highly passionate about. Because I was already involved, I prayed to know if being program director for Service Squad was something that was the Lord's will for me to do, or if it was just something that I was interested in.
          c. study the problem: I didn't take too long on this step because this decision wasn't highly significant, but I did study my problem out. I looked at my average weekly schedule to see if I could commit to be in the office during the week and to see if my Wednesday nights were usually conflict free so I could commit to do Service Squad.
          d. make the decision: When I realized that I could orchestrate my time to commit to this, I decided to be a program director.
          e. pray for confirmation: Once I realized what I truly wanted to do, I prayed again to see if it was really the right thing. Immediately, I felt really peaceful about accepting this responsibility and I felt really excited to begin being a program director.
          f. act--do it: I immediately told Mallory that I wanted to be a program director and since then, I've followed through with my commitment to be at stewardships and committee meetings and to be there Wednesday nights to conduct Service Squad.

2. Why can a model like RACE help activities or events run smoother?
     I think that having  a specific outline of what you are supposed to do to conduct and carry out an event is really helpful. People are able to know that they need to research and train, create an action plan, carry out the event, and then evaluate the event. This will make it run smoother because people won't be wondering what the next step is to take, and they will be able to move forward without wasting time.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Balance and Time Management

1. Based on Tamara's lecture, our discussion, and the advice given by your classmates what new goals or time management adjustments are you going to be making and why?
     I was really impressed by Tamara's lecture. One of the points she made that stood out to me most was to change your attitude. I've always thought about managing time as "juggling time" and I loved how she said that we should instead think of it as "conducting or orchestrating time." Juggling time sounds overwhelming and I think it has a negative connotation. I love knowing that you can orchestrate your time into something beautiful, while prioritizing certain parts and making some areas in your life louder than others. A goal I am going to focus on is developing the attitude that it is okay to focus more on certain aspects in my life than others. Sometimes, I feel like I have to do it all and I have to do is all perfectly. However, there are some things in my life that need to take priority and I need to remember that as well as remember that priorities change. If I do this, I will feel less bad and guilty when I feel like I can't do it all. 
     I also really liked what Macy said about being accountable to the Lord for every minute that He gives you. We really are accoutable and it is important to be wise stewards. I've made the goal of reporting at the end of the day to the Lord about how I spent my time. If I do this, I think I'll be able to better control bad habits, such as going on facebook or taking unneeded naps.

2. Define balance and how you implement it in your role or your life?
     I think that balance is best found when Christ is at the center. Imagine your life as a bicycle wheel. In order for it to properly work, you need a center circle that all the spokes lead off of. If Christ is at the center, I think you would realize what is important in your life. I don't think balance is having a certain number of credits or a specific number of hours that you spend with friends each week. I believe that everybody's definition of balance is unique and your personal "balance" can be found when Christ is at the center of your life. In order to implement balance in my life, I strive to make Christ the center of everything I do. I study the Gospel, pray, attend my Church meetings and the temple, and fulfill my Church calling. By doing this, I'm closer to Christ and the Holy Ghost is my constant companion. This means I can receive the personal revelation to know how I should be using my time.
3. Give an example in your role where you have had to be an excellent time management leader.
     As a program director for Service Squad, I manage my time by realizing that I can't spend countless hours doing my role. I'm a student, as well as a friend and daughter, and I need time to fill those roles as well. I manage my time as program director by recognizing how many hours I spend in the BYUSA office, so I don't spend so many that I don't fulfill my other responsibilities.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Utilizing Strengths and Weaknesses

1. Give an example of when you have utilized a strength or weakness in your role (you or someone else).
     I have the strength of remembering details that need to be accomplished. This helps me in various aspects in my role as Service Squad program director. I'm able to remember details that need to be discussed during stewardship meetings. I also am able to remember everything that we need to talk about with my committee during Service Squad. I can remember which forms we need to fill out, such as EAFs or meal docs. Remember the details is important in order to be completely organized and on top of things.

2. Think about the strengths of your GPT and how they are working to better your results.
     My Group Project Team has many strengths. Each person contributes something to our group. Cameron is very knowledgeable about business aspects and he is extremely innovative. Matzen is good at delegating responsibility and in taking action. Josh is very creative and is good at coming up with smart ideas. Skyler is good at brainstorming and his soft-spoken manner draws the group together. Everybody's combined strengths compensate for our individual weaknesses.

Monday, February 6, 2012


1.Choose and describe in detail two of the four teamwork stages (forming, storming and norming, performing) you have seen in your group project teams and how it has affected your teamwork.  
   In my group project team, I noticed the forming stage. When we were first assigned our teams, we got to know each other and we learned about each other's strengths. We talked about each person's leadership involvement and why they were taking this student development class. We talked and joked around. This forming stage of our group really brought our group closer together. I think that once a group gets to know each other, then it makes brainstorming and performing the designated activity much easier; you feel comfortable in discussing and sharing your ideas and in addressing conflict.
     I've also noticed the norming stage in my group. This stage is where you know what your project is and as a group, you plan to carry out the project. Once we realized what we were going to do for our service project, we were able to discuss how we were best going to fulfill that. We were able to assign tasks based on group member's strengths. For example, Cameron is really involved in business, so he is going to look into some forms that we can give to the businesses that we ask donations from. Josh is really talented on the computer and so he is going to be in charge of designing the logo of our project.

2. Pick one dysfunction (Ryan's lecture) you have seen in your leadership role and what you are going to do to turn into a function.
     In my leadership role as Service Squad program director, I have noticed the dysfunction of the "inattention to results." This is characterized by forgetting the group's purpose. In Service Squad, our purpose is to serve others and promote the vision of BYU/SA. I think that the volunteers sometimes forget that they are serving others and instead, they focus on just doing the people's dishes or seeing how many trashes they can take out. In order to turn this dysfunction into a function, I will focus more on the end result of serving others by encouraging the volunteers to incorporate this service experience into a life-long habit of service. At the beginning of the meeting, I will ask the volunteers if they had any experience with service or leadership during the past week. By doing this, it will help the volunteers keep a continuous and broad perspective of the purpose of Service Squad. Focusing on the end result, will allow the goals to align themselves in accordance with the purpose of the program.