1.Choose and describe in detail two of the four teamwork stages (forming, storming and norming, performing) you have seen in your group project teams and how it has affected your teamwork.
In my group project team, I noticed the forming stage. When we were first assigned our teams, we got to know each other and we learned about each other's strengths. We talked about each person's leadership involvement and why they were taking this student development class. We talked and joked around. This forming stage of our group really brought our group closer together. I think that once a group gets to know each other, then it makes brainstorming and performing the designated activity much easier; you feel comfortable in discussing and sharing your ideas and in addressing conflict.
I've also noticed the norming stage in my group. This stage is where you know what your project is and as a group, you plan to carry out the project. Once we realized what we were going to do for our service project, we were able to discuss how we were best going to fulfill that. We were able to assign tasks based on group member's strengths. For example, Cameron is really involved in business, so he is going to look into some forms that we can give to the businesses that we ask donations from. Josh is really talented on the computer and so he is going to be in charge of designing the logo of our project.
2. Pick one dysfunction (Ryan's lecture) you have seen in your leadership role and what you are going to do to turn into a function.
In my leadership role as Service Squad program director, I have noticed the dysfunction of the "inattention to results." This is characterized by forgetting the group's purpose. In Service Squad, our purpose is to serve others and promote the vision of BYU/SA. I think that the volunteers sometimes forget that they are serving others and instead, they focus on just doing the people's dishes or seeing how many trashes they can take out. In order to turn this dysfunction into a function, I will focus more on the end result of serving others by encouraging the volunteers to incorporate this service experience into a life-long habit of service. At the beginning of the meeting, I will ask the volunteers if they had any experience with service or leadership during the past week. By doing this, it will help the volunteers keep a continuous and broad perspective of the purpose of Service Squad. Focusing on the end result, will allow the goals to align themselves in accordance with the purpose of the program.
You're blogs are always perfect. Great job!